Monday, October 8, 2012

unproductive cream is unproductive

It's getting a bit late so I'll just give you a lazy post. I'm lazy and have lots of other work to do (LIKE WATCHING HETALIA :D) Sorry. *is not sorry*

Today I had to stay after school for drama practice, but since I don't come in until page 39 I had some time to derp around. So Princess, Golden, and Phan decided to stay after as well so that we could practice le violin! We're thinking of doing a quartet.


Oh yeah. I play violin, so do my friends ^refer to names above. You know, I should make a key with all of my friends' nicknames, interests and a little blurb. Not a huge feature-y thing for each person like my fellow blogger Phan is planning on doing, but just a little splurge on my circle (ew, circles suck) of friends.

Speaking of Orchestra, we have a concert tomorrow so we listened to a recording of ourselves playing the pieces (and we sound like total sh*t, to be honest...) and blehgh elbhg. We have to wear these god-awful dresses. Every girl in the same dull black floorlength dress. I hate dresses. Since I already have to wear a goddang dress I decided what the heck, I'll promise my friends that I'll wear makeup and my hair down too.


I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Have some ellen

her face xD

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