Tuesday, October 2, 2012

productive cream is productive


and not just by my lousy standards.

Today I :

  • went to school (which deserves credit itself)
  • GOT FITTED FOR A DRESS (i hate dresses)
  • went to an after-school study session (which consisted mainly of giggling and witty commentary but got me extra credit points anyway)
  • did 5 outcomes of my citizenship notes
  • watched the new episode of Gravity Falls
  • watched 15 episodes of Hetalia (:D)
  • memorized my lines in a Spanish script
  • factored some quadratic crap
  • studied biology and government & politics
  • did some handstands
  • derped around on tumblr and facebook
  • and now, made a post
That's like *counts* TWELVE THINGS!! NYAH!

However, I failed to do these few important things:

  • practice violin
  • memorize my lines in the non-spanish play I'm in
  • study spanish and vocabulary 
  • read Great Expectations ch 40-50
  • watch Sherlock and Doctor Who
  • finish the last three outcomes of the citz notes (ah well, i have till friday)
  • make an overachiever-ish post and do other overachiever-ing things
BUT the good outweighs the bad. YAYZ! but being productive takes up a buttload of time so adieu~

Happy 15th post! 15 is my second favorite number. Have some Tennant!

-Interrobangs, out-


  1. Replies
    1. i know xP i laughed at it for hourrrrrs... ERHMERGERD DERLECKS. DERNT BLERNK
