Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tomorrow is a Cause of Death Monday *squee*

I have just realized something very important today.

I. Am. Extremely. Un. Focused.

Well, nope, I lied. Anyone who's ever met me could tell you that - it's one of those defining traits about me. Like Phan's rant-iness and Golden's sugary sweet-ishness. I am Cream of unfocused, crazed pandemonium-ness. Obviously. So our blogs match our personalities!

I'm hoping that isn't another 'makes sense in my head but not to anyone else' moments. But even if it was it would further prove my point, of course. It hasn't felt like too long but evidently I haven't checked my blog since February. February!!!  (note by future Cream: so I revamped everything and tada, super long post and a new look. See ya in a few months.)

Maybe I should change the name of my blog to THE REALM OF DISTRACTIBILITY (note by future Cream: done.) Maybe I should change my username to THE BOUNCER BETWEEN INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES, aka MISS UNACCOMPLISHED (note by future Cream: not done.) 'Cos it's true...I bounce. I love bouncing. Bounce, bounce, bounce.

UGH! Off topic! I planned to practice playing violin, then complete my citizenship and spanish work, then maybe do some handstands for no apparent reason and go cycling. But I got distracted and thus made this post. See. I'm getting off topic on something I was already being off topic on. Off topic-seption!

I got a role in a play, by the way. (I hate rhymes. Well. I love rhymes as well. Well well well? What am I even saying?!) I play as a dude. A cross-dressing Albanian carpenter/actor, to be exact. So I'm cross-dressing a cross-dresser. Cross-dressing-seption! Oh, I also need to memorize my lines. I have a four page long monologue to commit to memory! Adding that to the list of things I am supposed to but am not doing.


Back to my point. I CAN NOT FOCUS. I literally cannot retain an interest, endeavor (see Golden people can use that word in normal speech), or long-term activity for more than like a week!!

Wait. Backing up. That's a total and absolute lie. Oh! Perfect! This works out perfectly. Now I've reached the point I wanted to make in this nonsensical post! I've acquired a new fandom since my last post (forever ago...) and gained a new level of obsession on an old one. I'd like to introduce you to the only two things in my life I've stuck with for more than a month -

Number One: Cause of Death. If you're wondering (which you probably aren't but do I look like I give a - ) the answer is to put down the gun. I think. Violence is never the answer, readers. (it's the question :P)
You remember those choose-your-own-adventure books you read when you were teensy? Yes? No? Either way, this game is like the next generation version. It's got timers, pictures, scenery, music, and it's technology. (figures.) The object is...don't die. You try to pick the answers that give you the best score at the end of the 'episode', or level I suppose. If you get a good enough score you get a bonus scene at the end! :D


Two of my favorite things...detectiveness and choose-your-own-my-god-this-is-tedious-to-write-games. In one package to carry everywhere on my iPod.

I've loved this game since 6th grade, which is practically when it was first beginning. Well. Four volumes in. When I first got it I wimped out since I kept dying and I was playing it alone in the dark. The next month I replayed it, did not die, and fell in love. Cause of Death: My first love and first focus. Sounds like a good post title. *makes mental note* But I never, ever miss a Monday (which is when the new episodes come out) EVER.

The second is Doctor Who. My parents took my brothers out and I stayed back so I could practice and do work in peace, but 1) I hate being alone and 2) I CAN'T FOCUS. Look at me. They'll be home in like 15 minutes and all I've done is make a post.

But posts are good.

Anyway, I'm too lazy and too short on time to post a picture and rant about Doctor Who. I'll save it for another time.

So the moral of this story is to never focus cos focusing is boring and instead waste hours you should be studying by playing Cause of Death and watching Doctor Who. GO! NOW!!!

-Interrobangs, out-


  1. confetti indeed, bangszy hey another nickname! how many is that? and congrats this post is long! it can maybe hold me over for another few months until u post again!

    1. :P I actually have two other posts planned, thank you very much. One of them about the muffins I just made that didn't fail!! Whatdya think of the new look? I think the doodle-y background was suitable.

  2. lolololol late comment. (violin lesson and hanging with koala and people who don't have "names"...)
    anyway, NICE! I would check out cause of death, only I'm distracted enough with my two major fandoms as i t is...
    What was I talking about?
    Oh yea! I get really distracted too... I think it;s a part of ranting. I'll start out talking about one thing and then end up with some totally unrelated final statement (have yall SEEN my philosophy :P )
    anyway, woot keep post~
    oh, and yall's precious Niall is a brony. sorta.
    (btdubs, am I allowed to take credit for your inDOCTRination?)

    1. NYAH. if you check out cause of death sometime you can take credit for it :P
      and yes. yes I have. i follow most all your posts, phan
      except when i get distracted
      which is a lot. :D
